Sunday, February 22, 2009

A new beginning - the 1aDay project

A new beginning
Originally uploaded by Dave Traynor
When I started The Daily Upload way back in April,2004 I was a bit optimistic about the "Daily" part. But here we are, nearly five years later and I'm still plugging away.

The blog has evolved over time. When I started, I had just started my own freelance writing business and I figured that a lot of my posts would relate to the PR and communications world. And that's sort of what happened. But I also found that I liked having an online place to talk about some of the stuff that I saw going on around me. It was also a place to post some of my own opinions on current events and puff up with pride when I talked about my kids and what they were up to.

Every so often, the well would be a bit dry and I'd struggle to come up with something to add. I posted funny links to videos or strange things I came across on the net. But I tried to keep things interesting without becoming trivial.

In the last few months, my post have been few and far between. My motivation seemed to have disappeared. We were busy organizing ourselves to get a new house and I could always claim being busy. But the truth is that I just didn't feel like blogging. I was lacking ideas and motivation. I was getting depressed and it just seemed like too much of an effort.

This past weekend, I was at Northern Voice 2009, a blogging conference in Vancouver. I attended the same event back in 2007 but I missed it last year. It was a great weekend. I got to hang out with a lot of really smart, enthusiastic and talented people who shared a passion for sharing information. Blogging has matured into a lot more than just posting thoughts on a website. Today, we've got podcasts and video and Facebook and Flickr and Twitter and dozens of other ways to post information and share it with people you know and people you've never met. It's an exciting time to be involved in this revolution.

I was energized by the excitement of the people around me. And I've decided to take some of that excitement and find something that will make me excited about my blog - and photography - and writing. So I've decided to start a project. I'm calling it 1aDay. I'm going to post a photo every day for the next year up on my Flickr site, in a set called 1aDay. And then I'll write a blog entry about it here in The Daily Upload.

That's it. There are no other rules. I'm going to do my best to keep to the 1aDay and see what comes of it.

Today's photo is up at the top of the page. (Click on the photo to go to my Flickr site.) It's my office here in the new House. I've got my computers back up and running. I dug my old Nikon out of the corner and I've charged the batteries, ready for whatever is ahead. I'm looking forward to it. I feel a bit like my office these days. I'm sort of together, but I'm a bit frayed around the edges. I need a bit of tidying up and the 1aDay project is just the kind of thing I need to pull everything back together.

But of course, this will be better if you come along with me. My comments page is always open and I hope that you'll add your thoughts to these posts. Maybe you've been feeling a bit frayed lately too. Long winters seem to have a way of doing that, don't they?

Here we go...

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